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“When I tell you.. I literally tried everything UNTIL THIS! It has changed my whole life and my HAIR Thank you!”

 - Keysha S.

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“When I tell you.. I literally tried everything UNTIL THIS! It has changed my whole life and my HAIR Thank you!”

 - Keysha S.

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“When I tell you.. I literally tried everything UNTIL THIS! It has changed my whole life and my HAIR Thank you!”

 - Keysha S.


100% Risk Free Trial

Heal Your Scalp,
Heal Your Life!

What Makes Our Shampoo and Conditioner Special?

The real difference between Atlanta Hair Doctor’s Shampoo and Conditioner and everything else is they get right to the root of the problem – your scalp.

Your hair wants to breathe, grow, and be liberated. We’re just giving your scalp the deep clean and detox it needs to let it happen naturally. 

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Here’s what makes our product different:

  • Pumpkin Seed Oil - Stimulates the scalp for better hair growth.
  • Yucca Root Extract - Soothes and reduces scalp flakiness.
  • Biotin - Strengthens hair, reducing breakage.
  • Peppermint & Argan Oil - Invigorates and nourishes for shiny hair.
  • Pure Aloe Vera - Hydrates the scalp, promoting healthy hair.
  • Vegan Botanical Blend - Strengthens and revitalizes from root to tip.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil - Invigorates the scalp, enhancing growth.
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So, when you use our shampoo and conditioner, 
you're not just washing your hair.  You're giving your scalp the love it needs to let your 
hair thrive and be its best.  And that's what makes us unique.  When you take care of the roots, the hair can thrive naturally.


100% Risk Free Trial

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Atlanta Hair Doctor Shampoo & ConditionerVS Other “Specialty” Hair Care Products

Atlanta Hair Doctor

Focus on detoxifying the scalp at the root

Natural, holistic ingredients like 
pumpkin seed oil, yucca root extract, 
and peppermint essential oil

Deep cleansing to remove build-up and promote healthy growth

Natural moisturizers for hydration without heaviness or residue

Hypoallergenic and free from harsh chemicals

High ratings for effectiveness and customer service

Other Products

Focus on making hair surface look better

Often synthetic or 
chemical-based ingredients

Does not specifically target scalp detox

Can leave hair greasy or weigh it down

May contain irritants or allergens

Mixed reviews on product effectiveness

Unlock Your Hair’s Natural Beauty


100% Risk Free Trial

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Who Is The Atlanta Hair Doctor?

Meet Jasmine Williams, aka Atlanta Hair Doctor.

From going through a bitter divorce and sleeping on the floor with her two kids in an apartment - to changing the lives of thousands of women with her natural hair care products.  Jasmine Williams is nationally recognized as the top miracle worker of scalp detox treatments for women with hair and scalp issues.

How To Use

Atlanta Hair Doctor Natural Shampoo


Start Fresh

Start by rinsing your hair to remove any initial dirt or residue.

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Massage a quarter-sized amount of our shampoo into your scalp and through your hair.

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Let the shampoo sit and work its wonders for 2-3 minutes. Feel the tingling? Good, it’s working.

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Wash out the shampoo thoroughly. You're setting the stage for some serious conditioning next.

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Remember, our Atlanta Hair Doctor products are mixed just for you. They're not just "off the shelf" – they're crafted to suit your unique hair needs. Whether your hair is thick, thin, damaged, or untouched, we've got a blend for you.

Best For:

  • Thinning Hair
  • Hair Hair
  • Scalp Build-Up
  • Oily Scalp
  • low Hair Growth
  • Sensitive Scalp

Atlanta Hair Doctor Natural Conditioner

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After Shampoo

Fresh from your shampoo rinse, your hair is primed and ready.

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Work it

Work a quarter-sized amount of our Holistic Natural Conditioner through your hair, from the mid-lengths to the ends.

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Let the conditioner sit and do its job for 5-10 minutes. Take a few deep breaths, enjoy this moment. 

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Wash out the conditioner, and feel the smooth, detangled, and revitalized difference.

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Our Holistic Natural Conditioner is an intensive treatment aimed at stimulating growth, soothing your scalp, and leaving your hair nourished, shiny, and ready to take on the world. It's perfect for treating flaking, brittle hair or just looking to give their hair some holistic love.

Best For:

  • Dry, Brittle Hair
  • Breakage Prone Hair
  • Dull, Lackluster Hair
  • Tangled, Hard-to-Manage Hair
  • Scalp Dryness and Irritation
  • Hair Lacking Shine

100% Risk Free Trial

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Whether your hair is coarse or fine, heavily damaged or virgin, our shampoo and conditioner are mixed just for you. We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. We look at what makes your hair special and whip up something that's gonna make it shine and grow like it wants to.


100% Risk Free Trial

Revitalize Your Roots

Don’t let hair issues hold you back for ONE MORE DAY!

High-tension hairstyles, chemical treatments, and suffocating wigs have been blocking your scalp for too long. 

It’s time to open up, and let your natural, beautiful hair grow like it’s meant to.

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Happy Customers

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